Tag: business

The objective of this webinar is to learn how to become more conscious about our native capacity to detach of the weight the common business context is putting on us, and switch from tension to relaxed yet focused state of mind and body.
The current business world is full of adrenaline. Every day there is this tension rising inside ourselves.

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The objective of this webinar is to become more conscious about the importance of being authentic in our professional lives.
In a world where we are currently hiding our smiles behind a mask, authenticity becomes a life value. It is not easy to show our emotions, but to keep our humanity, we need to do it. Fear is the beginning of a change and a direct path towards a more peaceful mind.

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Intrăm în această lume plină de posibilități, având la îndemână toate resursele; însă ne lovim de idei prestabilite, însușindu-ne vechi tipare de viață și astfel ajungem să ne resemnăm.

Dacă ai dubii asupra acestei ”realități” și dorești să îți regăsești acea parte din tine care tinde să zboare, dar nu are curaj, sau nu știe cum, te invităm la o zi de lucru intens pe acest subiect.

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